9 reasons why employers should use temp agencies
When a company needs to find temp workers the first question that needs answering is: what is the quickest, most cost effective, and best way to find quality staff? Here are 9 reasons why using a temp agency is the best answer.
1. Get workers fast
If a company needs staff quickly, due to illness, absences, or an approaching deadline then it makes sense to use a temp agency because the search for workers can start immediately. Labour hire companies have databases of workers and know who is available and when, so can send staff the same day if necessary.
2. Save time and money
If a company is growing and needs more temporary or permanent staff, it’s more cost effective and saves time to use a temp agency. Hiring your own HR staff to do recruitment takes time, training, and they would have to be paid during times when staff weren’t needed.
3. Leave payroll up to the agency
Most companies, especially smaller ones, want to concentrate on growing their business instead of focusing on recruitment. A temp agency can deal with all the issues around hiring staff and payroll, preventing stress, saving time, and allowing businesses to focus on what they do best.
4. Get the best staff
By using an agency, a firm can trial workers on temporary contracts and keep the best workers on for longer or even offer them a permanent contract. This way they get the person who best fits within a company culture and who is best qualified for the job.
A temp agency has a reputation to keep so in the unlikely event that they did send someone who turned out to be unsuitable, they would replace the person quickly. A temp agency is highly motivated to provide the best suited, skilled and reliable staff.
5. Access a bigger pool of potential candidates
The best job candidates will already be in the workplace, working! Some workers may not actively look for work until their contract is due to finish, but temp agencies can make sure candidates who would be available are put forward. This means that workers don’t have breaks between contracts and can focus their attention on their work, and the company searching for more staff has a larger pool of applicants to choose from.
6. Only qualified applicants put forward
An agency that provides temporary staffing solutions will know who they have on the books, their work history and qualifications. This means they can put forward only those who have the right skill set and screen out those that don’t meet your businesses requirements. If a company advertises a position directly they would have to weed out unsuitable applications which takes time and therefore money.
7. Save on training costs
If a firm requires experienced staff a temp agency will put forward only those job candidates that are ready to hit the ground running. For example, an Auckland construction firm looking for labourers could specify that they only want those with commercial construction experience and the ability to work at heights.
8. Save time on running background checks
It is important to check that the details included on application forms and CVs are correct and honestly recorded. This takes time and personnel so is best left to a recruitment firm. A temp agency can also do reference checks with previous employers, Ministry of Justice checks and drug tests ahead of time so that staff can start quickly.
9. Specialist temp agencies provide specialist knowledge
All temp agencies should only put forward qualified candidates, but a specialist recruitment firm understands the industry it caters to, and the specific needs and wants of the employers. For example, tradespeople want a temp agency that understands which licences, certificates and skills are must-haves for applicants and which are desirable but not essential.
At Hirestaff our team has had first hand experience working in the trades industry. Either qualified or skilled trades people, our team know what’s required for trades and construction jobs. Our staff have worked with the tools, dealt with the issues on the worksite, and understand the health and safety rules. If you’re an employer who needs staff, then get in touch with one of the team!